Q1: Why are all the fees no longer round numbers?
A1: All fees were increased by approximately 3% for the 2024/25 school year. HOWEVER, if you elect to pay by cash/check the website will deduct 3% from your invoice, bringing you back to the same round number you have seen in the past.
Q2: How do I register my student for All-State/Solo & Ensemble?
A2: All students must be sponsored by a RIMEA member. Any member can sponsor your child, most typically the sponsor is your child's school music teacher or private instructor. In addition, there are specific requirements regarding All-State eligibility.
A3: NAfME (formally NAfME) member services can answer and help you with any membership questions. Visit the NAfME Member Services website or call 1-800-336-3768. If you want to change a mailing address, email or a phone number you can visit here.
A4: You sign-up/opt-out or change your status here.
A5: Please be sure to remove any leading zeroes from your NAfME number as you enter it. For example, 000001234 becomes just 1234. If you're still having problems... then e-mail Wayne for help. Member profiles are now updated every week. If your membership is more than 1 month delinquent, your profile may have been removed.
A6: Active RIMEA membership is open to all persons engaged in music teaching and any retired member wishing to attain active membership status in Rhode Island. When you join NAfME and choose Rhode Island as your state affiliation, you are automatically enrolled in RIMEA. You must join NAfME to join RIMEA. Currently, memebership dues are $145 per year ($70 for retired, $38 collegiate).
A7: Posting will be removed on the expiration date provided. If you need to, if you need something taken down sooner. If no expiration date was provided, listings that are 3 months olds will be taken down automatically.