Solo & Ensemble Day

  • View the Solo & Ensemble schedule.
  • Download the TBD directions/campus map.
  • Due to numbers and scheduling requests, the following instruments are "morning-only": bassoon/oboe, cello/bass, clarinet, guitar, percussion, piano, saxophone, trumpet, voice
  • Students should report directly to their scheduled room, 15 minutes before their assigned time (when possible); there is no need to "check in" if they know where they are going.
  • All students participating must be on the schedule. The judges will be using their lists to confirm student registration. Any student not on the list must have a registration confirmation in order to participate which can be obtained from the entrance main lobby the day of the festival. Students that wish to register on-site must be registered by a RIMEA member (a signed note with suffice), for a fee of $30.80 (solos) and $51.26 (ensembles).
  • Students must also have the PROPER SOLO & ENSEMBLE ADJUDICATION FORM with them. Be sure the student has the correct form and that all information has been completed correctly. (HINT: if you download the PDF forms (rather than open them in your browser), you can type in them before you print them.) Incorrect or missing information of the adjudication form only delays the performance and causes judges to fall behind on their schedules.
  • All students participating MUST HAVE A SINGLE ORIGINAL COPY of their piece. Students without an ORIGINAL COPY will not be allowed to perform. If an ORIGINAL COPY is no longer available, or was ordered and did not arrive on time, a letter/receipt from the publisher or music dealer confirming this fact must be attached to the photocopy. A temporary copy can be made for the student to play from (give the adjudicator the original) but it must be destroyed after the festival. NOTE: printed copies of IMSLP and CPDL pieces are always allowed, including any music posted directly on RIMEA's website.
  • Sponsors/students are responsible for finding their own accompanist, if accompaniment is desired. RIMEA does maintain a database of accompanists that sponsors may access.
  • Any students using a CD/MP3 accompaniment will need to CARRY IN THEIR OWN CD/MP3 PLAYERS/SPEAKERS.
  • Percussion room 137a will contain a marimba, xylophone, vibes, bells, chimes, bass drum, snare drum, 4 toms, 4 timpani, drum set, sus cymbal and crash cymbal. Students are responsible for providing their own sticks and mallets, as well as bringing a practice pad for any rehearsal time required.
  • In addition to the large warm-up areas, there will be four rooms (203, 221a, 320, and 332) with pianos and two rooms (202 and 318) available as practice rooms. Please limit your time in these rooms to allow others to make use of them.
  • Once finished playing, the adjudicator will hand the student their completed adjudication form. If a student receives a rating of "Excellent" or "Superior", they should take the form to the entrance main lobby to receive a medal.
  • Depending on the comfort level of the performer, teachers/parents/peers are indeed WELCOME in the room during the performance.
  • Students are expected to behave properly the entire time they are on the TBD campus. Unruly students will not be allowed to perform.
  • Any food consumption may be done in the designated areas of the facilities.
Honors Recital:
  • To be nominated TO AUDITION AS A SOLOIST for the Honors Recital students must receive a score of 33‐35, play a NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association list), New England, or Virginia Level 6 piece, Wisconsin Level A, or Texas Level 1 with live or Smart Music accompaniment, (if it is a piece with accompaniment), and be deemed “Concert Ready”.
  • To be nominated TO AUDITION AS AN ENSEMBLE students must receive a score of 33‐35, play a NYSSMA, New England, or Virginia Level 5 or 6 piece, Wisconsin Level A, or Texas Level 1 and also be deemed “Concert Ready”.
  • The term “Concert Ready” means the performance, as heard by the adjudicator, would be acceptable as if it were being performed in a live concert recital today.
  • To audition again for, and, if selected, to perform in the Honors Recital, accompaniment must be with a live accompanist, if it is a piece with accompaniment.
  • The auditions for the Honors Recital 2024 will be held Wednesday, June 12, 2024, from 2-8 p.m. in Sage Hall at the Carter Center in East Providence, RI
  • The 2024 Honors Recital will be held on Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 3PM at the Newport Classical Recital Hall.
  • All decisions concerning the Honors Recital participants will be made by the Judges and Honors Recital Chairpersons during the Solo & Ensemble Festival and the Honors Recital auditions.